This post goes against our community standards

Are you unable to share your website’s link/URL ? Does Facebook rejects your post by saying “this post goes against our community standards” ? OR “this post goes against our community standards on spam” OR “this post goes against our community standards, so no one else can see it” OR “this post goes against our community standards closed”
So I will provide you the ultimate solution for such a major problem i.e. “this post goes against our community standards” which comes upon sharing your website’s link or URL though you don’t have any irrelevant data.
- #”this post goes against our community standards on spam in review”
- “this post goes against our community standards on spam solve”
- “this post goes against our community standards on spam fix“
I can understand your problem since it had happened with me also and I am going to show you how to resolve this major issue step by step. (this post goes against our community standards)
To solve this issue (This post goes against our community standards) I would suggest you read this article till the end.
So before starting let’s have a look what really COMMUNITY STANDARDS is and why ?
In simple language, you can relate facebook community standards as set of rules.
It ensures the fair use of facebook. To avoid any kind of malicious activities, so that it’s users stay in safe environment. And can get relevant contents and feel free to use it either for business, advertisement, entertainment, news, memes etc.
To read more about COMMUNITY STANDARDS click the following button
“We recognize how important it is for Facebook to be a place where people feel empowered to communicate, and we take our role in keeping abuse off our service seriously,” the company said.
“That’s why we have developed a set of Community Standards that outline what is and is not allowed on Facebook. Our Standards apply around the world to all types of content. They’re designed to be comprehensive — for example, content that might not be considered hate speech may still be removed for violating our bullying policies.”
Three guiding principles form the base of Facebook’s guidelines: Safety, voice, and equity.
(This post goes against our community standards) – Solution Step by Step…
I am going to tell you just few simple steps to overcome issue of “This post goes against our community standards”, which you will have to follow and wthin few days your link will be unblocked and you will be able to share your links/URLs on facebook.
Let me tell you that this method will work only if your site doesn’t contains irrelevant content, which is against community standards/ facebook policy.
So the basic idea behind it is to make facebook community understand that the link you are sharing is not a spam. And nothing irrelevant in it which could be inappropriate for users.
Now you have to send facebook community a message for instance :
This is not a spam. It’s my own website’s link. So kindly unblock my website’s link/URL as soon as possible. This is link of my website : “Paste here link of your website/page”
I used the same message along with one of my websites url which was blocked and it worked for me.
So copy the above message and paste your link in it (dont use inverted commas). Let me show you with an example :
This is not a spam. It’s my own website’s link. So kindly unblock my website’s link/URL as soon as possible. This is link of my website :
Hope you got it. Now let me tell you from where you can send this message. But before this, let me tell you that you have to send this message as much as you can. I did 4 times in different ways which I am going to show you in following steps.
I also sent this through another facebook id also. So I recommend you to do the same, it will be better. Let me remind you that your goal should be that your message reaches the facebook community soon. As soon your message reaches them, soon your request will be fulfilled.
First source for sending this message :-
If you have recently posted your link you might see the following notification in notification section. If not just paste your link and post it, within few seconds you will receive the notification.

Click on it. Another dialog box will appear as shown :

Click on “spam” as shown :

Another window will appear, scroll down. You will see “reporting” option as shown :

Click on “reporting”. Another dialog box will appear as shown :

Click on “yes”.

A text box will appear, PASTE your message as already discussed as shown and click “submit”.

So our first step is complete. Let’s move towards next.
Second source for sending this message :-
Open the notification panel again and click that notification. You will see the following window :

Click on the emoji as shown above.You will see the following text box.

PASTE your message (as already discussed) in the text box and click submit.

Now our second step is also completed. Let’s move towards the next and the final step.
Third source for sending this message :-
Upon clicking that notification. Scroll down the window you may see the following dialog box :

Click over “This isn’t spam”. Another dialog box will appear as shown :

Click on “continue”. Another dialog box will appear as shown :

Click on “Appeal”. Another dialog box will appear, PASTE “your message” and click “Send”.

You will recieve the following message :

Click “OK”. You are set now. Now you will have to wait as this process may take 48 hours or even more. Have Patence !
I am sure that it will work for you also. Since it worked for me and few more. I hope that facebook unblocks your link soon. Best wishes from my side. GOOD LUCK !!!
Comment down if it helps you and share this with your friends.