Hello guys,it’s mine first blog and i have chosen a wonderful topic i.e. TOP INTERESTING WEBSITES  in the world which you will surely like and appreciate.

Best part of this blog is that it consists of 

| Free interesting websites | 

| Ten interesting websites | 

|The top most interesting websites |

| Best interesting websites | 

| Most useful websites |

Most importantly they do not require any kind of registration/ sign up.

Hence you can enjoy surfing smoothly.

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So let’s start, 1st website in our list of top 10 interesting websites is :-

1. AUTO-DRAW – top interesting websites

Sometimes we all need to draw designs but we regret due to lack of skills, so here’s the slotion for it.

AutoDraw is a web-based drawing tool that works on every platform you use, be it a phone, tablet, laptop or desktop PC. It offers users a canvas on which to doodle objects they’d like to have better-looking versions of, for use in such things as a birthday card or party invite. AutoDraw looks at the doodle, figures out what object you drew and offers to replace it with a more professional version drawn by a real artist.

The beauty of AutoDraw is, it can make most design ideas look like they were create by a pro. And it does that without the user having to install any software. Just doodle what you want on your screen and AutoDraw takes care of the rest.

On loading AutoDraw in your web browser of choice you get what looks like a simplified art program. Simply start doodling and the AI’s best guesses will appear along the top of the window. Chances are, AutoDraw knows exactly what you are trying to draw and offers several alternatives to use instead.

Once your doodle looks like a masterpiece, it’s possible to download the image as a PNG, share it via a generated URL or directly on Twitter, Facebook or Google+.

For example, if we draw/doodle a rough design of a hut i.e.,

AutoDraw1 top interesting websites

We will get get several suggestions at the top of window as shown above, now we can select required design. We can copy/save/share this professional design.

AutoDraw2 top interesting websites


2nd website in our list of top 10 interesting websites is :-

2. COPY CHAR – top interesting websites

A basic app that allows you to find and copy special characters to your clipboard. Click or tap on a character and it will be copied to your clipboard.  

It offers special characters related to :

  1. Letters
  2. Math
  3. Numbers
  4. Currency
  5. Symbols
  6. Arrows
  7. Emoji
copy char top interesting websites


3rd website in our list of top 10 interesting websites is :-

3. GeoGuessr – top interesting websites

GeoGuessr is actually a pretty fun online game that you can play by yourself or with friends.How it works is, you select a map from the site and click Play.

 You will land at a random location from the map and you have to guess where in the world you are.

The game uses Google Maps’ images to show you the surrounding area. You can navigate around these images to see people, roads and anything else that can be used to give you clues to your whereabouts.

Geo Guessr 1

How it works 

When you have a guess, simply click on the map that is displayed in the lower-right corner to place a marker. Then click Make Guess and you’ll be taken to the answer page.

On the answer page, you will be shown your guess and the actual location. It tells you how many miles from the correct location that your guess was.

You get to choose from multiple maps to play on, which makes the game easier or more difficult depending on the map. Maps to choose from include:

  • World
  • U.S.
  • European stadiums
  • Famous places all over the world
  • U.S. cities

If you select the world map, you can literally be dropped anywhere in the world. This is probably the most challenging map to play from.

Once you begin to play, you have five rounds. Each round you’re dropped in a new location and you have to guess where it is. The closer you are to being correct, the higher the score that you receive.

Geo guessr 2 top interesting websites


4th website in our list of top 10 interesting websites is :-

4. MY FONTS / WHAT_THE_FONT – top interesting websites

In our daily life, we see many writings and their font and want to use it or know about it,  but we don’t have any idea about it.

So here’s the solution for it, all you need is to click a photograph of the writing whose font name you want to know and upload it on  

Font 1 top interesting websites

For example, i uploaded an image having texts in several fonts.

Font 2

It has automatically detected various texts, now select the desired text whose font details you need.

I choose MICROSOFT at the top right corner, and got the following result.

Font 3

You can now convert your own texts into the same font or even download the same font  for further use.


5th website in our list of top 10 interesting websites is :-

5. MyFridgeFood – top interesting websites

MyFridgeFood is an interesting and definitely quite useful tool. 

It presents you with two options – quick find and detailed kitchen. 

Both these pages have check boxes representing various food items. 

Just check the ones which you’ve got in your kitchen and it’ll show a list of recipes  you can make with some or all of them. Click on the recipe and get the cooking details.


Hence a nice tool to quickly check what food you can prepare with the items you’ve have at hand. If you sign up, you can submit a recipe.

my fridge food


6th website in our list of top 10 interesting websites is :-

6.NOISLI – top interesting websites

The background noise and color generator for working and relaxing. 

High quality ambient sounds to help you focus while working and to boost your productivity.

Noisli is mainly used to drown out annoying noises in order to better concentrate and  to enhance productivity, or to create a pleasant audio environment for relaxing or sleeping.

Noisli makes your life a little easier and keeps you sane during long office hours or  intense study sessions


Mix different sounds and create your perfect sound ambiance tailored to your personal need  and taste.

Activate one or more sounds and adjust the volume slider to create an always  different and pleasing sound environment. With Noisli you can boost your focus and enhance  your productivity or just lay back, listen, and enjoy falling asleep.


Rain, Thunderstorm, Wind, Forest with Birds, Leaves, Water stream, Seaside with seagulls  and relaxing waves, Water, Fireplace, Summer night with owls and crickets, Fan,  rumbling Train, Coffee Shop, White Noise, Pink Noise, Brown Noise.


You can enjoy the wonderful sounds also while using other apps or while surfing the web.



7th website in our list of top 10  interesting websites is :-

7. PDFescape – top interesting websites

We all download or create PDF’s or view it online but can’t make our required changes in it easily,so for this purpose we have PDFescape. 

It allows us the following features which are absolutely free to use:


All you need is to go on , click on free online as shown;


Choose the required uploading method and it’s done, Now you can edit it according to you  in a simple and easy way.



8th website in our list of top 10 interesting websites is :-

8. PRIVNOTE – top interesting websites

Sometimes we all need to send confidential information within our work environment, to family  or friends, but we feel afraid to do so over the internet, because some malicious hacker could be spying on us.

So this website overcomes our this problem.

Privnote is a free web based service that allows us to send top secret notes over the internet. 

It’s fast, easy, and requires no password or user registration at all.

All we need is to write our note, and we’ll get a link.

Then we can copy and paste that link into an email (or instant message) that we can send to the person who we want to read the note. 

When that person clicks the link for the first time, they will see the note in their browser and the note will automatically self-destruct; which means no one (even that very same person) can read the note again. The link won’t work anymore.

privnote top interesting websites


9th website in our list of top 10 interesting websites is :-

9. SCREENSHOT GURU – top interesting websites

Sometimes our network is too weak or we don’t have enough time to visit any link  so if you want to directly check what it is by viewing its screenshot which can be saved also.

It is not necessary to download any application, it is totally online, it is very easy to use,  it does  not require more knowledge and create an account to be able to use the tool, which in some  cases is difficult to do, and the best thing is that it is totally free .

And very fast at the time of  generating the screenshot, and does not have advertisements or ads that bother  the use of the tool.

For example, if i want screenshot of my website all i need is to type my website’s URL  and verify I’m not robot as shown.

SS guru 2

And after clicking CAPTURE SCREENSHOT i will get it directly which i can save also  as shown below.

SS guru 3


10th website in our list of top 10 interesting websites is :-

10. VENTUSKY – top interesting websites

The “Ventusky” web app is the work of Czech-based meteorological firm InMeteo.

The interactive map, spotted recently by Quartz, lets you pull up all kinds of weather stats,including temperature, precipitation, cloud cover, and wind speed. The temperature and wind  speed maps, with their swirling lines and patches of pretty color-coded data, are a joy to simply  gaze at regardless of the information they offer.

You can zoom in close to a particular location, or see the world’s weather patterns that are  enveloping the planet right now by pulling out and viewing the entire map at once.

ventusky top interesting websites

Now, here’s an additional website for you…

11. BEACONSTAC – top interesting websites


An all-in-one custom QR Code solution built for businesses to create QR Codes that stand out, manage scalable digital campaigns, monitor scans, and consumer behavior, and drive digital their brand’s digital transformation.


☆☆☆☆☆ THANK YOU ☆☆☆☆☆

For any query feel free to contact us.

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